Monday 1 December 2014

Make hay while the sun shines

Favourable opportunities do not often come,and it would be an irretrievable blunder to let them slip by either not perceiving them or failing to make use of them through cowardice and hesitation.

Selma at Swakopmund Arts & Craft Centre

Monday 22 September 2014

The "I" world

My curiosity is on high speed this days, which forced me to share with you what is going on in my little world at the moment.I use to wonder how those generations before us, use to get the information they needed and how close or friendly they were.

One might secretly/internally ask is she okay? I am overwhelmed by the technology in today's world some call it the "I" world. It is shaped by the pervasive impact of the Internet, then the iPod, iPhone, iTunes, iPad, iPhoto you name them.

This phrase has two meanings; the "I" world technology world and that "I" of my own world. In the "I"/my  world we want to use anything possible to get what we want, yet we wary of anyone we suspect of trying to use us. We are sensitive and selfish, at the end we want to remain in the driver's seat for ever because we want to be the bosses everywhere we go.

This is just a test to my new blog expect more to come as I will blog once a month. Hope you will find my writings interesting and helpfull. Meet u in October.